DV ( Due Vittorie) The densest balsamic vinegar of Modena IGP 巴克香醋/家釀 250ml

NT$ 1650


Emilia Romagna自有嚴選紅葡萄,經時間粹釀發酵,Modena原產地IGP認證的優質紅酒醋。琥珀色、濃稠透明,口感溫順厚實回味久,酸甜中帶有木質香氣,市場稀有,品嚐家釀真實美味!無焦糖色素、無著色劑、無防腐劑、無酒精、6%酸度。

In the elegant spherical cruet, the denser vinegar conveys the full-bodied taste of the dressing, velvety consistency and unique clarity. Obtained from the skillful combination of cooked must taken from Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC grapes, and wine vinegar derived from the partial acetification of the same, the Due Vittorie Famiglia ages in oak vats, before being bottled in the classic spherical ampoule. The closely guarded recipe allows the production of an extraordinary vinegar, offered to the market in limited quantities. The dark amber color, intense aroma, and perfectly balanced flavor of sweetness and acidity, density and clarity, make it an inimitable balsamic vinegar, which marks every dish with the excellence and quality of its land of origin. Each time it is poured, the brown liquid dissolves along the glass walls of the bottle, and falls drop by drop to embellish the dishes. Without dyes, preservatives and sulfites, Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI Riserva di Famiglia expresses respect for nature and its products, preservation of ancient processes and passion for the typical Emilian flavors.


DV (Due Vittorie) 巴克香醋/金牌2010年於義大利中高價位紅酒醋市場銷售量破100萬瓶,並連續三年蟬聯義大利紅酒醋銷售第一寶座,獲得 義大利NO.1紅酒醋 美譽。現在您不用到義大利就能在台灣買到DV巴克香醋/金牌!

來自義大利的天然美味香醋(義大利語:Aceto Balsamico)是源自義大利的一種天然調味聖品。在文藝復興時期,香醋深受皇室推崇,現如今它的價值已經是每個義大利人喜愛的佐料。DV巴克香醋(Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP),Modena是義大利紅酒醋的生產聖地,遵循傳統香醋工法與釀製技術,將紅葡萄泥漿在鍋中以低溫熬煮後,儲放在木桶裡隨長時間發酵淬鍊製成的DV巴克香醋,深受饕客喜愛。現在義大利Modena當地幾乎是每個家庭與義大利餐廳餐桌上必備的佐料品牌,近幾年得到眾多歐陸星級餐廳主廚和美食家的認同不斷的給予肯定,2013年起更榮獲義大利多場大型廚藝比賽指定選用,讓每位參賽者能盡情發揮創意烹調出色的義大利佳餚,2014年獲得最佳品鑑2顆金星大獎肯定。

使用Emilia Romagna地區自有葡萄園嚴選製酒的紅葡萄,經時間粹釀發酵,配合Modena當地天然環境在室溫儲放,有IGP認證標誌是釀優質紅酒醋的唯一方法。深棕色、鮮清透明、味道濃郁、細緻熟成、口感溫順、微酸甜中帶有木質香氣,讓您品嚐到真實的美味。