Montevertine Le Pergole Torte 2020 蒙特維提妮酒莊 涼亭紅酒


2019年 RP 97 / AG: 97
2018年 RP 96+ / AG: 96


品種:100% Sangiovese

口感:沉且飽滿的紅寶石顏色,華麗的香氣來自於成熟的葡萄,櫻桃、菸草、生鐵、肉桂和花香。有完美平衡的酸度,令人讚嘆且神魂顛倒的香氣來自於西洋李、甘草、濕草叢等複雜的味道,令人驚訝的優雅細緻的單寧和悠長餘韻,這瓶好酒是 Sangiovese 的最高境界,因為有對的人、對的地方所形成的,這就是 Montevertine 所最迷人的地方。


This latest vintage of one of Italy’s most important wines has an almost choreographed delivery with dramatic pause and high crescendos as it unfolds over the palate. The Montevertine 2020 Le Pergole Torte feels initially shy, but that is a fleeting impression because its all-around intensity builds beautifully upon dark cherry, blackcurrant, spice, iris root and warm earth. Those notes are followed by a delicate floral interlude, and the wine builds upward again with a very bright and lively mouthfeel fueled by fine tannins and lovely freshness. It is fleshy and rich. This is one of the best wines from this vintage in the region for sure. Production is 30,000 bottles.   2025-2048


The 2020 Le Pergole Torte is a total stunner. Rich, sumptuous and layered, the 2020 possesses exceptional balance and class to burn. The 2020 is an opulent, racy and super-expressive wine with no hard edges and exceptional balance. Readers will find a super-classic Pergole Torte endowed with tremendous fruit purity. Dark-toned fruit, lavender, sage, graphite and spice build into a potent laced with a kiss of French oak and enough tannin to ensure fabulous development in the cellar.  2028-2045